It’s Not Always Easy
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Matthew 2:13
“Now after they had gone, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, Get up! [Tenderly] take unto you the young Child and His mother and flee to Egypt; and remain there till I tell you [otherwise], for Herod intends to search for the Child in order to destroy Him.”
Joseph and Mary had just made the long journey to Bethlehem while being pregnant.
They gave birth to Jesus in a town far away from their families.
And after the birth, they went to Egypt.
They had to flee to save the life of their Child - God’s Son.
I tried to imagine what it would have been like to wake up from a dream with instructions to flee with a baby.
It would have been terrifying.
Not to mention another unexpected journey away from home, setting up temporary residence, and finding work to sustain a family.
All of this sounds very inconvenient.
I used to think of Joseph as a man who was blessed with divine dreams.
However, most of His dreams came with a price.
First, he was told to marry his betrothed even though she was pregnant.
Then he was told to flee Bethlehem for the safety of their child.
And later he was instructed to return to Israel, but he wasn’t allowed to go home.
This season in Joseph’s life was a season of being on the run.
Less than convenient, I’m sure.
In fact, his marriage during this time was anything but convenient.
The Lord used Joseph to be His Son’s earthly father.
This was a true blessing, but it also came with huge responsibility and inconvenience.
As I read our verse today, I realized I need to be thankful when the Lord uses me even though it may be inconvenient from time to time.
Today I choose to be more open to God’s plan and I pray He helps me be wildly obedient to do His will.
May you find the Lord has the perfect plan for your life and you are obedient to His call even when it is inconvenient to do so.
Daily Prayer:
O Lord, my God, thank You for showing me that I may be inconvenienced at times when I serve You. Thank You for showing me You bestow blessings on those who follow You and are obedient to You. Joseph was displaced from town to town as baby Jesus’ father. And even though he was inconvenienced, he experienced the tremendous blessing of being Jesus’ earthly father. Lord, You may ask me to do some things I’d rather not do. Bend my will to Yours. Help me be obedient to You no matter what my mind is telling me. Help me do all You ask of me. Help me complete every task that needs to be done and give me a willing heart to serve. Help me bless someone this day. Thank You for hearing my prayer.
Answer: I AM the Great I AM and My will is perfect and complete, and it will be done.
Response: Thank You for Your perfect will, Lord. Help me be obedient to You.