One With God
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John 17:11
“And [now] I am no more in the world, but these are [still] in the world and I am coming to You, Holy Father, keep in Your Name [in the knowledge of Yourself] those whom You have given Me, that they may be one as We [are on].”
Jesus was soon going to the cross.
Before He went, He prayed the disciples would remain His.
Not just remain His believers, but that they would be one with the Father and Himself.
What an amazing legacy He died to give them and us.
It is almost too much to comprehend.
I thought about the many times Jesus prayed to His Father.
He prayed for healing and people were healed.
He prayed over the loaves and fish twice and thousands of people were provided for.
He prayed the dead would raise, and they did.
He was truly one with Father while He walked on this earth.
He operated in God’s full power.
And now He prayed the disciples would be one with Him and the Father as well.
To operate in the fullness of Their power.
To provide healing to the sick, blind, and lame.
To give peace to the households they entered.
To save the lost.
We are granted this beautiful legacy as well.
But we don’t often operate in the fullness of God’s power.
Well, at least I know I don’t.
Sometimes this world takes the wind right out of my sails.
Sometimes I feel whipped before I even begin to serve.
Sometimes I just can’t adult as the saying goes.
But all we have God’s power and strength available to us even on those days.
I am convicted today because I need to remember Whose I am.
I need to remember I am one with the Lord.
His Spirit lives within me.
Today I choose power over weakness and will serve the Lord as He asks me to serve without any excuses.
May you find the Lord equips you with everything you need to serve Him in His full strength and power.
Daily Prayer:
O Lord, my God, thank You for reminding me I am one with You. Thank You for sending Your Son to make it so. Thank You for sending Your Holy Spirit to live in my heart, so He can lead and guide me in all that I do. Father, I pray for strength today. I pray You help me feel Your power within me to trample the enemy and all his devices. Lead me not into temptation but deliver me from all evil. Help me serve You with the power I read about in Your Word. Help me heal those who are sick, bring peace to those who need peace, and share Your message of love and deliverance to Your people, Lord. May I operate in Your power this day and every day. Help me bless someone today. Thank You for hearing my prayer.
Answer: I AM with you My child and equip you with everything you need to serve me as I ask of you.
Response: Help me walk in Your power today, Father.