Simple Belief and Obedience
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Luke 1:38
“Then Mary said, Behold, I am the handmaiden of the Lord; let it be done to me according to what you have said. And the angel left her.”
The simplicity and power of belief and obedience is inside of this passage.
The angel Gabriel spent some time with Mary telling her all that was going to happen.
This had to be an amazingly frightful experience.
It’s not every day we get an angel visitation telling us something of the supernatural.
Much less to be told you are the mother of the Son of God.
I can imagine her mind whirling at the news.
Mine would have been.
Of course, her first question was how.
How can this come to pass?
But the next questions weren’t written about.
At least not the questions I would have had.
Like, why did God choose me?
Could this really be the appointed time when the Christ is to be born?
This exact moment in time had been hoped for for thousands of years.
Is it really now?
Is God really going to use me?
Isn’t there another who could take my place?
Such an awesome, yet huge responsibility!
How could I raise the King of Kings, the Messiah, the Christ?
Will He know more than I?
Am I good enough or equipped enough?
All these things and more would have been reeling around in my mind.
But Mary simply said, “Behold, I am the handmaiden of the Lord; let it be done to me according to what you have said.”
She was simply willing.
Simply obedient.
In just a few short words, Mary spoke volumes.
When the Lord has need of us, her words should ring in our ears, “let it be done to me according to what you have said.”
For I find myself getting in the way of myself and God’s plan.
I make excuses.
I question everything.
Instead of simply receiving the Word from God and being obedient.
How much time could we all save if we responded as Mary did?
My guess would be years.
Today I choose to simply believe and be simply obedient to the Lord.
May you find you are able to believe and be obedient to the Lord which ultimately expedites moving forward in God’s plan for your life.
Daily Prayer:
O Lord, my God, thank You for showing me that simple obedience furthers Your grand plan. Thank You for showing me I need to be obedient to You in all things. And thank You for showing me that being obedient starts with belief. If I believe what You speak to my heart and do not question Your grand plan for me, I can move more quickly into obedience. And this furthers Your plan and gives You more glory. Increase my faith and belief in Your plan for my life, and then help me to be obedient to all that You ask me to do. Keep me seeking You and Your guidance as I take a step forward. Equip me as I have need. Strengthen me in all ways to do as You ask. Help me bless someone this day. Thank You for hearing my prayer.
Answer: I AM the Great I AM and My plan for you is good. I will help you walk into the belief and obedience you need to walk it out.
Response: Strengthen me in every way to do as You ask, Father.