They Shall be Satisfied
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Daily Word:
Psalm 22:26
“The poor and afflicted shall eat and be satisfied; they shall praise the Lord – they who [diligently] seek for, inquire of and for Him, and require Him [as their greatest need]. May your hearts be quickened now and forever!”
King David is somewhat forlorn in this Psalm.
In fact, he is extremely downcast.
But he starts recounting God’s blessings.
He remembers God’s miracles.
And soon he is praising God.
By the time he writes this verse, he is encouraging others to praise God as well.
Then even the poor and hurting will be satisfied.
In fact, they will praise God.
And he states that those who diligently seek God and, “require Him [as their greatest need]”
will be lifted up.
He adds a blessing, “May your hearts be quickened now and forever!”
That’s really what we need isn’t it?
We can withstand just about anything if we have hope in God.
When all seems lost, hope.
When nothing seems like it is going our way, hope.
When it seems impossible, hope.
Hope on and hope in God.
Today I choose hope over defeat and in doing so my heart is elevated to the presence of most High God.
May you find that as you continue to hope in God, that He will, indeed, come to your aid in all circumstances.
Daily Prayer:
O Lord, my God, thank You for Your Word. Thank You for the wisdom and example of King David. May his words always resonate with me and touch my heart. Help me to praise you all day long no matter what the circumstances look like, Lord. Help me praise you and, as I do, may You touch my heart and give me hope. Help me have hope for the days to come. Help me have hope in You, Lord, that Your perfect will is done in my life. Help me get out of Your way so that You can do all that You have planned. Strengthen my body and spirit to continue moving forward no matter what the circumstances look like because You have a plan. Help me give up my way for Yours. Help me give up my ideas for Yours. Help me give up my will for Yours. May Your Holy Spirit fill my heart and soul so that I can be fully Yours. Help me bless someone this day. Thank You for hearing my prayer.
Answer: My perfect will is at work in your life and it will be done.
Response: Thank You, most gracious and Almighty Father.