Gifts More Valuable than Money
Acts 3:2 and 6
“A certain man crippled from his birth was being carried along, who was laid each day at the gate of the temple [which is] called Beautiful, so that he might beg for charitable gifts from those who entered the temple.”
“But Peter said, Silver and gold (money) I do not have; but what I do have, that I give to you; in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk!”
Peter and John were headed to the temple when they came across this crippled man.
The man expected he would receive something from them.
But they didn’t have any money to give him.
What they did give him far surpassed any amount of gold or silver on earth.
He received a healing.
A healing in Jesus’ Name.
As I read our passage today, I thought about the season when I didn’t have money to give to others.
I was embarrassed and felt unworthy.
I felt less than.
But this passage showed me the gifts I did have to offer were valuable in a different way.
The Lord blessed me with other gifts to bless others with.
Gifts of service.
And help.
These were what I had to give.
I didn’t need to feel ashamed because I didn’t have money to buy someone something.
Peter and John weren’t ashamed when they didn’t have money to offer.
They gave the man what they could.
And his life was changed forever.
We are all blessed with gifts to offer others no matter what our finances tell us.
Today I choose to place less value on the money and more on the gifts the Lord has bestowed upon me to give others.
May you find you have very valuable gifts to offer those around you which have nothing to do with money.
Daily Prayer:
O Lord, my God, thank You for showing me I am valuable to others. Thank You for showing me it doesn’t matter how much money I have in my pocket. You have given me other gifts which bless others richly. Thank You for showing me Whose I am. Help me stand tall instead of shrinking in shame, Lord. May the gifts You have given me bless someone in a mighty way. Show me more of You and Your kingdom in heaven. Help me seek You and not the world. Thank You for sending Your Son to cover me in His blood and make me worthy in Your eyes. Thank You for seeing me as perfect instead of seeing me as the flawed human being that I am. Thank You, Lord, for loving me even though I fall short. Help me give generously to others as You have given me. Help me bless someone today. Thank You for hearing my prayer.
Answer: I have given you gifts far more valuable than money, My child, and you are to serve My people with them.
Response: Help me serve with joy, Father, and use the gifts You have given me for Your glory.