Loved, Even Inside of Our Failures
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Mark 14:72
“And at once for the second time a cock crowed. And Peter remembered how Jesus said to him, Before a cock crows twice, you will utterly deny Me [disclaiming all connection with Me] three times. And having put his thought upon it [and remembering], he broke down and wept aloud and lamented.”
Peter, the disciple who knew Jesus was the Messiah and even promised to die with Him, disowned Christ.
Peter, who walked with Jesus for three years, watched Him heal the sick and blind, saw Him calm the windy seas, still denied he knew Jesus.
He hadn’t failed the Lord though.
He really had just failed himself.
And he was convicted about it as he broke down and cried.
However, Jesus already knew he would not be able to stand with Him.
In fact, He told him so.
He gave Peter a sign so that Peter would, once again know in his heart that Jesus was truly the Christ.
And when Peter heard the cock crow a second time, it was confirmed.
One more miracle just before Jesus’ death.
Here’s the thing.
Jesus loved him despite his weakness.
And Jesus knew his failure was part of the divine plan.
He was not supposed to lose any of the disciples’ lives except for Judas.
If Peter would have stood up and been counted as one of Jesus’ disciples, he likely would have been crucified right along with Him.
All was going according to God’s perfect plan.
Peter’s life was of supreme importance in spreading Christianity.
It was just a matter of time.
Three days.
Three days from Jesus’ death the plan for the rest of Peter’s life would be set in stone.
He would be the rock on which the church was built.
So, initially Peter failed himself, but he did not fail God or God’s perfect plan.
In addition, Jesus knew Peter would deny Him and it didn’t make Jesus love Him any less.
Similarly, our failures cannot steal us from God’s love.
Our failures cannot steal us from God’s perfect plan for our lives.
He already knows how He will use us despite our failures.
In fact, He knows how He will use our failures to further His plan for His glory.
Today I choose to accept God’s love not only when I succeed but also when I fail, and pray He helps me offer grace to myself knowing I am inside His perfect plan.
May you find the Lord is gracious to you and loves you far beyond your failures.
Daily Prayer:
O Lord, my God, thank You for showing me again just how gracious You are. Thank You for showing me that my strengths and my weaknesses are all a part of Your plan. Thank You for showing me You can still work Your perfect plan even inside of my failures. Help me accept the free grace You offer and help me give grace to myself as well. Keep me at Your feet learning more of Your ways. Forgive my shortcomings of this day and help me move through them without leaning into them and the destruction they could do. Instead, help me receive Your forgiveness and learn the lessons they teach. Strengthen me in every way today, Father. Help me bless someone this day. Thank You for hearing my prayer.
Answer: I AM with you My child and I love you beyond your failures for I know the plans I have for you.
Response: Help me rest in Your presence, Father, and be made whole.