Releasing Anxiety and Distress Today
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John 14:1
“Do not let your hearts be troubled (distressed, agitated). You believe in and adhere to and trust in and rely on God; believe in and adhere to and trust in and rely also on Me.”
There is so much stress and anxiety in this world.
We operate at an enormous speed.
And if we slow down for even a second, we lose the momentum we’ve developed, and I dare say cherish.
As I read our passage this morning, I was convicted because I’ve felt overly anxious lately.
Jesus tells us, or rather commands us, to not be distressed and agitated.
He had just given the disciples the Great Commandment.
Told them to love one another as He loved them.
It seems impossible to operate in love and distress at the same time.
And so, we must give up one to have the other.
A mindset shift is needed.
A shift of the heart is needed.
Jesus told the disciples to rely on Him, adhere to Him, and trust Him.
If I truly operate in trust and adhere to the Lord, I have no need to be anxious, distressed, or agitated.
And if I fully receive His love, I also receive His assurance.
His assurance that He is working all things out for my good and His glory.
So, I can rest in Him today.
I can rest in Him tomorrow and all the future tomorrows.
His peace and comfort are His promises and rewards.
Rewards for trusting Him.
And as I seek peace (as an Enneagram type 9), I must walk into His love and His promise of peace.
Today I choose peace and love over anxiety and distress.
May you find peace, comfort, safety, and security in the arms of the One Who gave His life to grant you these things.
Daily Prayer:
O Lord, my God, thank You for reminding me You are a God of peace and a God of protection. Thank You for reminding me to wholly trust in You, rely in You, and adhere to You in all things. Thank You for reminding me to give You all my burdens, anxiety, and distress. I need not carry these things even one more second of today. Help me lay them all at Your feet and exchange them for peace, comfort, and assurance. Assurance that you are working out all things for my good and Your glory. Help me sit quietly in knowing You are by my side. Quiet my anxious heart so I may be of service to You. Allow me to sit in your presence and be filled with Your love. Fill my spirit with Your Spirit, Father. Soften my heart today and fill me with compassion. Help me bless someone this day. Thank you for hearing my prayer.
Answer: I AM always with you My child, so release your burdens to Me for I will take care of them all. My peace is yours.
Response: Help me give everything to You, Almighty and merciful Lord, and receive Your peace in full.