Thank You for Making Your Home in Me
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John 14:23
“Jesus answered, If a person [really] loves Me, he will keep My word [obey My teaching]; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home (abode, special dwelling place) with him.”
Jesus was giving His disciples some of His last words of wisdom.
He told them He was going to prepare a place for them in heaven.
He told them to ask anything in His name and He would grant it.
He said He wouldn’t leave them as orphans, so He was sending them the Holy Spirit as the Comforter, Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, and Standby.
He told them He would reveal Himself to those who loved Him.
The Amplified Bible further defines this to mean, “I will let Myself be clearly seen by him and make Myself real to Him.”
There are so many promises here in this chapter, but this last one is probably the most precious to me.
I know there are those who don’t experience Jesus as I do.
We all experience the Lord differently.
And this is good.
We are built differently by our Maker to serve Him in different roles.
All are necessary.
As I read our verse, I thought about how long it’s taken for God to wrangle the spirit He put inside me.
It’s truly taken a lifetime.
I am headstrong, strong willed, and highly imaginative mixed with a bunch of motivation.
This simply means I’ve chased and chased many dreams over the years.
But today I chase God.
I chase His wisdom, knowledge, mercy, love, and grace.
I am thirsty to know more.
And as I continue to seek Him, I find beautiful nuggets that touch my heart like the one today.
His last promise in our verse is that He will come and make His home with us.
He will dwell within us.
We can cherish this promise.
I mean, what King would die for His people so He could forever abide in them?
Today I am thankful for God’s promises and thankful He shows Himself in such real ways to me even two thousand years after He left this world.
May you find the Lord lives within you and is leading and guiding you and holding you up through the difficulties of this life.
Daily Prayer:
O Lord, my God thank You for Your promises in Your Word. Thank You for sending Your Son here to teach us about You and the love You have for us. Thank You for sending Your Son as the final Sacrifice to make it possible for You to live within our hearts. Thank You for continually being with us through this lifetime, Father. Thank You for never leaving us alone. Help us hear Your voice in our hearts and allow You to comfort us through the difficulties we face. Help us hear Your words of encouragement and feel your everlasting love. May You lift us from the confines of this world into Your presence, Lord. Keep us in Your care. Help us bless someone this day. Thank You for hearing our prayer.
Answer: I AM with you and reside in you because I love you, My child.
Response: Thank You, most gracious heavenly Father. Help me not miss You, Lord.